The first three videos deal with concepts that Sweeney dubs the ‘Three L’s’. These fundamentals are explained in the first few videos of the course, where SplitSuit also devotes one lesson to using Flopzilla, one of the best poker software solutions for analyzing hand ranges. Like most things in poker, the ability to read hands begins with certain rules and theoretical foundations that are required before we’re able to move on. So let me break down what you will find inside The Hand Reading Lab!
In the final section, we’re presented with a range of videos with concrete hand examples demonstrating all the different spots discussed in the second part. In the second part, SplitSuit moves from theory to practice, digging into various preflop and postflop scenarios, and applying these theoretical concepts to explain how hand ranges are constructed. The first one deals with the theoretical foundations of Texas Holdem that are vital to understand before moving forward. The course is conveniently split into three parts.